PICO presentations are organized in sessions scheduled at specific PICO spots, which are indicated in the programme together with the time of presentation of each contribution. PICO sessions are scheduled in three of four time blocks per day (except time block three, TB3); one time block is 105 minutes in duration.

EGU24 PICO schedule

Time block (TB) Time (CEST)
TB1 08:30–10:15
AM Coffee break 10:15–10:45
TB2 10:45–12:30
Lunch 12:30–14:00
TB3 (virtual posters, no PICOs) 14:00–15:45
PM Coffee break 15:45–16:15
TB4 16:15–18:00
Networking 18:00–19:00
Medal & Award lectures, evening events 19:00 & onward

It is strictly prohibited to take photos of any scientific material without the explicit permission from the authors. Authors are therefore asked to indicate explicitly in their PICO presentation whether photography is encouraged or not permitted by displaying one of EGU's official graphics on the pages of your presentation.

Prepare your PICO presentation

  • A PICO presentation (on-site or virtual) has two parts: a two-minute introductory presentation summarising the research, followed by an interactive discussion phase, when the author can provide a great deal of detail and specificity with a longer presentation. For the on-site authors the discussion will take place at interactive touchscreens, for virtual authors, through an interactive presentation via Zoom.
  • PICO authors are required to prepare one presentation file fulfilling both needs, 1) a summary of your work for the introductory two-minute presentation (suggested no longer than 2-3 slides), 2) an unlimited number of slides going into more detail for the subsequent viewing and discussion time at the touch screen. The touch screens have a size of 42". The operating system is Windows.
  • Your presentation file must be PowerPoint or PDF, and videos and animations must be embedded.
  • While on-site PICO presenters will give their two-minute introduction at the PICO spot, virtual PICO presenters will be attending and presenting the two-minute introduction via Zoom.
  • On-site participants will be able to see virtual presenters via the large PICO spot screen. Moreover, virtual participants will also be able to see the on-site presenters via Zoom.
  • After the two-minute presentations by all presenting authors, on-site participants can proceed to the interactive PICO discussion time at the touch screens. Virtual participants will continue in the same Zoom meeting and will proceed with the interactive PICO discussion time at the main PICO spot presentation area. Questions to the virtual PICO authors can be asked by virtual participants directly through Zoom, and by the on-site participants using the microphones provided at the PICO spot.
  • The on-site touch screens are in wide-screen format and we strongly recommend producing your presentation with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • As on-site visitors can see your PICO presentation file on touch screens, a decent navigation must be enabled. There are two options: you can either implement links yourself within your presentation file so one can click to navigate, or you can produce a classic presentation where the visitor must move forward and backward through your slides. For the latter, our PICO staff will implement three buttons for the on-site touch screen usage to move forward and backward, as well as to access the table of contents of that particular session. If you include the navigation through links yourself, please also remember to include a home button to go back to your own starting slide of the presentation (ideally, the first slide for the PICO viewing).
  • Presenters taking part in the OSPP contest are asked to download a QR code for their abstract and add it to the presentation slides to allow attendees to easily access the judging form.

Guidance for preparing your supplementary materials & presentation files

  • Use font sizes that are large enough to be read for everyone. For a PICO presentation we recommend to not use a font size smaller than 24pt for the two-minute summary slides and 16pt for the on-site touchscreen slides. Virtual presenters are recommended to use a font no smaller than 24pt for their interactive presentation, to ensure the best legibility.
  • For charts and maps, use colour schemes that allow readers with colour vision deficiencies to correctly interpret your findings. Please check your images using the Coblis – Color Blindness Simulator and revise the colour schemes accordingly.
  • Place EGU's official graphic indicating whether you do not permit or encourage photos and screenshots of your live presentation.
  • Ensure that all images in presentations that are not yours are credited, including those from Wikipedia or imaggeo.
  • If presentations include maps, authors are asked to adhere to United Nations naming conventions. In order to depoliticize scientific presentations, authors should avoid drawing contested borders or using contested geographic names.
  • Consider adding the QR code of your abstract which you can find in the abstract information.

Rules and guidance for giving your presentation

  • All presenters and any other persons involved in live sessions, including conveners and chairpersons, must be registered for the conference in order to obtain physical access to the conference centre or virtual access to the Zoom meetings. Registration is also required for authors of solicited presentations. Without a completed registration, you will not be able to attend any event at EGU24, neither in person nor virtually.
  • For virtual presenters, we recommend that you find a quiet space for participating in the live session, preferably in a well-lit area and with a plain and neutral-coloured backdrop. Lighting should illuminate your face (i.e., no window or light source behind you). Please use some form of external microphone or headset during your presentation, as internal computer microphones are often not able to provide sufficient quality sound.
  • Virtual presenters who do not have a stable internet connection may choose to pre-record their presentations. Note that for any such pre-recorded PICO presentations, the video must be embedded in your PowerPoint or PDF file.
  • Acceptance of an abstract and its inclusion in the programme of the General Assembly obliges the author or one of the co-authors to present the contribution at the time and in the manner indicated, on-site or virtually, or to upload a pre-recorded presentation. If you know that your presentation will not be presented in either way, you are kindly asked to withdraw your abstract as soon as possible.

Presentation upload

  • All PICO presenters (regardless of whether presenting onsite or virtually) must upload their file for the entire presentation at least 24 hours prior to the session's start time.
  • The presentation file can either be uploaded by the contact author (who submitted the abstract) or the nominated presenting author of the abstract.
  • The live presentation file will only be shown during the live session. The file is not accessible either before or after the session by other participants.
  • Please remember that a paid conference registration (either for on-site participation or virtual participation) is mandatory for the person uploading the presentation file in order to access the upload tool.
  • Presenters (regardless of whether presenting on-site or virtually) are supposed to upload their slides for the presentation. Your presentation file must be PowerPoint or PDF. Any videos and animations must be embedded. The presentation file will only be shown during the live session. The file is not accessible publicly by participants.
  • The file sizes of presentations are limited to 50 MB per abstract.

Supplementary materials and commenting

  • All authors are encouraged to upload supplementary materials (previously called display materials) to accompany their abstracts. These can be uploaded from 25 March and will be made available to registered conference attendees from 25 March to 31 May. Modifications are possible throughout this period.
  • Supplementary materials can be in *.pdf, *.ppt/pptx, *.pps/ppsx, *.png, *.jpg, or *.mp4 format and hosted on the EGU24 server, or they can be a *.html linked on the EGU24 website and programme but hosted on the author's own infrastructure. If *.mp4 files are uploaded, these will be submitted to the EGU24 Vimeo channel which will be accessible for registered attendees.
  • In addition to the supplementary materials, authors can provide a DOI or URL linking to a presentation they have pre-recorded and submitted to portals like YouTube.
  • The file size of supplementary materials is limited to 50 MB per abstract for *.pdf, *.ppt/pptx, *.pps/ppsx, *.png, or *.jpg files, and to 200 MB for a *.mp4 video file.
  • If authors opt for the open-access Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), their supplementary materials become openly accessible through EGUsphere one month after the conference ends.
  • Registered conference attendees can comment on uploaded supplementary materials through the conference platform from 23 March to 31 May, unless the abstract authors have opted out of the commenting feature.

PICO spot equipment

For the two-minute indroducton:

  • 16:9 projector
  • On-site presenter microphone
  • Presentation timer with displays for on-site and virtual presenter and chairpeople
  • Virtual presenters join the PICO two-minute orals session via Zoom.

For the interactive presentations:

  • Touch screen for each on-site presenter
  • The interactive PICO discussions can be joined by virtual presenters on Zoom.

PICO no-shows

Inclusion of your abstract in the conference programme obliges you or one of your co-authors to present your contribution at the time and in the manner indicated. If you already know that your contribution will not be presented, you are asked to withdraw your abstract as soon as possible.

At the conference, missing presentations are categorised as no-shows if the abstract has not been withdrawn by the time of the presentation as given in the programme. Such no-shows will be noted, and authors will be asked for reasons. Without appropriate reasons, these abstracts and their PDF files will be removed from the conference website and a message 'withdrawn after no-show' is added to the presentation slot in the online programme.